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Network Layers

All People Seem To Need Data Processing

A Application
P Presentation (preparation for data transport). Data format (transport in ASCII or BIN)
S Session
T Transport (TCP)
N Network (IP, routers)
D Data (Ethernet), "liaison de données"--> network card
P Physical layer


IP v6 (and v4)

IPv4 addresses have 32 bits. Different classes
A. First bit is 0 (0 to 127), first byte is for network: 127 networks.
B. First bits are 10. First two bytes for the network.
C. First bits are 110. First three to identify the network. Used for small sites.
D. First bits are 1110. Used for multicasting, across network.


IPv6 addresses have 128 bits (notation: hex, grouped into bytes)
Repeating zeroes :0:0:0: can become ::
The addresses are split into a network part (upper 64 bits) and a host part (lower 64 bits), to facilitate auto-configuration.

The loopback address is 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001 (also written ::1). Basically, packets with this address never leave the host. The IPv4 equivalent is
An unspecified address is 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 (also written ::). The IPv4 equivalent is

IPv4 mapped address:
0:0:0:0:0:ffff:a.b.c.d/96 (compressed ::ffff:a.b.c.d/96)
IPv4 compatible address:
0:0:0:0:0:0:a.b.c.d/96 (compressed ::a.b.c.d/96)

Prefixes use the slash notation.
Using this example 2001:0db8: 100:1:2:3:4:5/48 (48 = 3 * 16)
2001:0db8:0100:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 <-- Network address
ffff:ffff:ffff:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 <-- netmask
The first 3 bytes (3*16=48) are the prefix, the rest is local.



Troubelshoot TCP/IP

1. ping --> TCP/IP loaded correctly. Failure: restart system.
2. ping local-compter --> Failure: configure the network configuration locally.
3. ping default-gateway --> Failure: verify IP addr and sub-mask
4. ping remote-host -->
     Failure: check that IP routing is enabled
     Check that IP address of gateway is OK
     Check that remote host is running
5. ping remote-host-name --> Failure: Add to HOSTS file

Next, for NetBIOS, use NET USE or NET VIEW
Or for telnet or ftp, if failure
- Check configuration of telnet or ftp application
- Check permissions on host
- check HOSTS file if connecting using a host name




Remote shell

rsh : session terminal distante non prise en charge

Exécute des commandes sur des hôtes distant exécutant le service RSH.

RSH hôte [-l utilisateur] [-n] commande

hôte Hôte distant sur lequel on exécute la commande.
-l utilisateur Nom de l'utilisateur sur l'hôte distant. Si ce nom est omis, le nom d'utilisateur courant est utilisé.
-n Redirige l'entrée de RSH sur NULL.
commande Commande à exécuter.



Displays and modifies the IP-to-Physical address translation tables used by address resolution protocol (ARP).

arp -a [inet_addr] [-N if_addr] --> Displays current ARP entries
arp -g --> Same

Type arp at command prompt for help


ping -a destination-list --> Resolve address to hostname
ping -r count destination-list --> Show route

ex: ping -a -r 6 456.78.65.35


ipconfig /? --> help
ipconfig --> summary
ipconfig /all --> complete info
ipconfig /release adaptor --> for dhcp
ipconfig /renew adaptor --> for dhcp

For windows 95: winipcfg


Current TCP/IP connections using NetBIOS for TCP/IP

nbtstat -? --> help
nbtstat -a remotename --> Show stat for a remote computer
nbtstat -A IP-address --> Show stat for a remote computer
nbtstat -c --> contents of name cache
nbtstat -n --> local name table
nbtstat -r --> statistics of name resolution
nbtstat -s --> sessions
nbtstat -letter interval --> set interval for options above. ^C to stop.


netstat -? for help


TRACERT target-name

-d --> show addresses only
-h max-hops --> limit the hops
-w timeout --> limit timeout