ApacheThese are my personal notes that I use as a quick help in my work.
Port number=default port, if no "listen" directives are present. Otherwise, if one or more "listen" directives are present, the server listens on the listening ports and not on the the port defined with "port". The port value is the default port for redirected URLs or other URLs generated by server. Normally, one of the listening directives has the same number as the default port. For web caches, set the port directive to the port for the Web Cache and set the listen directives to the ports to which HTTP Server is listening: the redirected URLs will point to Web Cache, rather than directly to Oracle HTTP Server.
Maximum requests Processed Simultaneously (maximum users): maximum number of child processes on UNIX (best: 150) or maximum number of threads on Windows.
MaxRequestsPerChild: maximum number of requests for one of the child processes. Not available for Windows. In Windows, a parent process launches one child process and each of the requests is handled by a thread. In UNIX, one parent process launches several child processes.
KeepAlive: time before a new request
Timeout: time out after request is first made.
MaxKeepAliveRequests: maximum number of requests per connection, 0--> unlimited.
ServerRoot ".../Apache"
Port 80
Listen n
<IfModule mod_userdir.c>
UserDir a-directory
DocumentRoot ...Apache/htdocs
<IfModule mod_dir.c>
DirectoryIndex the_index_page.html another-default-page.html
<Directory "D:\ORACLE\iSuites\Apache\Apache/htdocs">
Options MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
ErrorLog path/name
LogLevel warn
redirect /admin http://ServerName/new_url
include "...Apache\Jserv\conf\jserv.conf"
Redirect /namepath http://hostname:portnumber/pls/portal
(Set "RewriteEngine On
" in configuration for mod_rewrite)
RewriteRule OriginalPath RewrittenPath [flags]
NameVirtualHost *
--> name-based virtual hosting, i.e. the
virtual host is defined by the name. Mandatory for SSL with 9iAS. IP-based virtual
host means that a different IP address is needed for each virtual host.
<VirtualHost *>
ServerName new-virtual-server-name
DocumentRoot "...Apache/htdocs"
ServerAdmin real.person@some.address.com
<IfModule mod_dir.c>
DirectoryIndex the_index_page.html another-default-page.html
ErrorLog path/error.log
CustomLog path/access.log
ServerAlias ...com ...ch ...glu
Use * instead of ip-address --> this is name-based virtual hosting
ServerAlias optional
If error and custom log indications are absent, then main server's logs are
Minimal configuration on Windows, but not as a service:
ServerRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2"
Listen 8080
LoadModule .... a whole bunch
ServerName TestServer:8080
#Put this in the hosts file:
# TestServer
#Enter this in the browser:
# http://TestServer:8080
DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs"
The Tomcat users are defined in: ...\conf\tomcat-users.xml
The passwords are unencrypted
Context files are located in: ...\conf\Catalina\localhost
Three contexts are defined by default: admin.xml, host-manager.xml , and manager.xml
Content for context files |
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> |