Oracle Enterprise ManagerThese are my personal notes that I use as a quick help in my work.
How the database name is determined in the OEM (see Net8 for more details):
N.B. pw at creation is sysman / oem_temp
Start and stop (cemctrl in 8i and below):
oemctl start oms
oemctl status oms sysman/oem_temp
oemctl stop oms sysman/oem_temp
Windows: start and stop the service "OracleDEFAULT_HOMEManagementServer"
Console: oemapp console
(UNIX) or ...\bin\oemapp.bat console
Launch DBAstudio with oemapp dbastudio
Database assistant: dbca (note that this is not part of OEM)
Use the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant (EMCA) to create and load version 2 repository.
Log miner: oemapp lmviewer
, then connect as sysdba
lsnrctl dbsnmp_stop
); kill processes if necessary.rm agent/services.ora
rm agent/*.q
rm agent/dbsnmp.ver
rm log/dbsnmpc.log
rm log/dbsnmpw.log
rm log/nmiconf.log
rm log/nmi.log
echo "snmp.visibleservices = ()" > admin/snmp_ro.ora
echo "nmi.trace_level=16" >
echo "nmi.trace_unique=true" >> admin/snmp_rw.ora
lsnrctl dbsnmp_start
SNMP_RO.ORA ("$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin" or "TNS_ADMIN" directory)
SNMP_RW.ORA ("$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin" or "TNS_ADMIN" directory)
NOTE: DO NOT DELETE the SVPPCART.DAT file that exists with 9.0.1 and later Agents. This file is the definition file for the Agent's Data Gatherer Cartridge and is not generated by the Agent.
The error NMS-00001 is not a problem:
Warning: dbsnmp unable to connect to SNMP master agent
Deleting the 'q' files means that the Intelligent Agent no longer knows anything about any jobs or events that were registered in the EM Console. In other words, it has lost its "state". Removing these 'q' files while jobs and events are submitted against the agent will result in synchronization errors between the OMS and the agent. Therefore, use this method only on specific request by Customer Support when there is an explicit need for re-initializing the Intelligent Agent.
Events and jobs are internally identified by a sequence number. When a "q"
file is created, the sequence is reset. The OMS on submission of an event realizes
that the internal id that it gets back is less than any other that it has previously
registered for the node and triggers the message indicating there is a skew
between the systems. The only option is to remove all the events and jobs registered
against the failing node and reregister them. As soon as the OMS detects a mismatch
of ID's, the Agent will be marked as 'corrupted', and all job or events you
wish to send to this agent will fail with the error:
VNI-4040: The agent on node is not in sync with the Management Server
Have unique names for Enterprise Manager repositories. If two repositories with the same name are active intermittently, and communicating with the same agent, the agent will store the job and event information from both repositories under the same name. This will result in ID mismatches and state corruptions on both the agent and the OMS side.
select name, userdata, tnsaddr from smp_vdn_target_list;
select * from smp_vds_sessions_table;
select * from vdk_rep_control;
As usual, there are three methods: cold backup of the database, hot backup
of the database and export of the schema. But in all three methods, the OMS's
have to be stopped before backing up. The following query should return nothing:
select * from smp_vdf_maslist;
The repository name must be unique throughout the network.
Move the repository:
When copying the repository, a different schema must be created, a different OMS must be configured (on a separate node). Before exporting, de-register all jobs and/or events. Re-register jobs and events after re-starting the new OMS.
emctl stop / start
oemctl start oms
oemctl status oms
oemctl stop oms sysman/pw
agentctl start agent
agentctl status agent
oemapp console